Announcement: Changes for the future


Not clickbait (real)

There are going to be quite a few changes to the “tokisuno” brand (which feels weird and cringe to say since I am a small creator), so I wanted to announce some of what to expect in the future. I am not quitting, nor am I removing the blog entirely. I am just shifting the public repo somewhere else so I can use the domain for my portfolio.

What’s poppin?

Shift in focus

I am learning web development and want to have a landing page that acts like a resume of sorts. So when people search me up online, I don’t want my domain to link DIRECTLY to my blog. That feels kind of personal. That’s why this is probably going to move to something like or something of the sort. Aside from that, everything else stays pretty much the same.

More frequent uploads

Speaking of videos, I remember making videos when I first started and all I tried to do was upload biweekly, and that was really fun for me. I was just keeping myself sane while also expressing myself creatively. Now I have a pretty good outlet of express with my guitar, and I’ve gotten pretty decent at it. But creative expression isn’t a zero-sum game where you can only do one or the other, so I am bringing back bi-weekly uploads. I have the time and the want, so why not?

What happened to Linguistics?

So here’s the elephant in the room. I think Linguistics is really useful and I think it should be mandatory in our public education system, but at the moment I don’t really feel like I want to do anything Linguistics related. The thing that interested me the most was Theoretical Syntax but after further investigation and facing the hard facts, I came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be worth it, which sucks. I really enjoy it but I see no real world benefit in this Chomskian-way of hard-forming language when it’s based a lot of non-falsifiable claims along and a lot of literature feels incomplete or wishy-washy. It’s new, and I get that, but I wanted to use it to make something in the world. As it stands, Computational Linguistics functions on its own paradigm for language generation, one that my theoretical field isn’t compatible with. If somehow a professor of mine reads this, if I am completely wrong you are free to contact me anywhere you can. I don’t hate theoretics, I just want to develop another skill that will make me guaranteed money, and maybe come back in the future depending on the look of things.

Linguistics is really broad (like, really broad) so I can see myself being in some sort of Linguistics-like field in the future. I don’t think my degree was a waste and I don’t have any hard feelings towards anyone in my department. I just want to see some sort of reward for my hard work and finding a job with my BA feels near impossible, even when comparing it to the hard job marking web developers are dealing with at the moment.


That’s really all what’s going to change. Once I learn more advanced CSS and HTML templating, I will most likely write the theme for this blog from scratch. I like web dev. I will upload more. Linguistics is cool. Programming is cool. Yeah. Swag.

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