My Reading Goals – Update!


Categories: personal Tags: habits

For those who are unaware, I had a reading goal for this year of 35 minutes. Now, the year hasn’t ended yet so I can still make it back, but I want to make it clear that I am not sad or disappointed in myself. This post isn’t to make excuses for myself because quite frankly, I feel really good about this year so far! I still have a physical illness that affects me daily, so audio content has helped me through a lot. I have been listening to a lot more podcasts and live-plays these days.

I’ve listened to a lot of Dungeons and Daddies, The Yard, and a few audiobooks. I’ve liked them. A lot. I am pretty happy overall. Videos will come soon, but when I am comfortable. It looks fun. I am pushing this out just to push it out and so people know that I am still alive LOL. That’s really it. You guys are pretty cool :)

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